Monday, January 23, 2012


OK... so don't ask Cam & Hanna their opinion,
but for me, 2011 was one of the best Christmas' on record!   
We had kids, grandkids, snow, Christmas music, yummy food,
lots of sugary treats, Santa, the Nativity,
and two very meaningful service projects!

For Christmas, Big Bear and Lita
 requested 5X7 pictures of each of their grandkids
 and 8X10 family pictures.
We also got this cool digital frame
(lower left hand corner)
from Mike & Angie, Brandon & Laura,
that continualy scrolls through Lita's
favorite pictures!

Somehow, the message wasn't clear to everyone....
so we are still waiting for a current family picture
of Preston and Alixe's family!
Then our collection will be complete!

I think Teague was THE MOST THRILLED with his Christmas present
this year!   Boy, does this BOY LOVE HIS VACCUM!

THE NATIVITY 2011.... Staring baby GATES and narrated by Kayla.

Angels Emily and Clarita visit Mary (Olivia) to tell her she will
soon have a new baby who will be the "Son on God, the Redeemer of the World!"

                                            Joseph, (Cam) and Mary (Olivia) travel to Bethlehem.

The Inn Keeper, (Tessa) tells them there is "no room."

Baby Jesus (Gates) is born to Joseph and Mary.
(Baby Gates is a special guest star produced by Derick and Brittany!)

A new star (Katie) appears in the heavens!

The angels just can't stay away!

The Shepherd/Wise Man (Hanna, far left,) finds baby Jesus lying in a manger!
(Sorry folks, we were a little short on actors this season!   he he!)

Granny & Bampa, Uncle Rick and Aunt Lynnette, Derick and Brittany,
David and Marisa and Matt and Cassie and kids had dinner with us Christmas Eve.
Uncle Rick and Aunt Lynnette brought the Chimes and they
were a big hit!!
Hummm....  I just had an idea for Christmas gifts for next year!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Our Christmas Family.....

This is our Christmas Family!   Each year we enjoying sharing Christmas with a needy family!   This year was no exception, of course!    A family of 9 live in this little tiny, small house.   The father paints cars for a living and work has been very sporatic so they were really struggling.   His wife told us that recently he spent several weeks sanding down and repainting a car only to have the owner come and  steal it back, without paying, after all the work was done.   We were excited about doing Christmas for them because their bishop says they are very dedicated members of the church. This family has several teenage boys and we don't have any teenage boys in our family.  So Angie sent out an email to her ward members, asking if anyone had used clothing to donate to these kids.   The response for her ward members was overwhelming.  They donated brand new clothing,  underware, soccer balls, cleats, and even money to buy food with.  What wonderful people live in her ward!   The  family's Bishop suggested he would like to see the boys have new shoes for church.   With the help of some good members in Angie's ward we were able to give a new pair of shoes to each member of this family.  We are ao thankful to be soooo blessed that we are able to share with others at Christmas time.  It really is what Christmas is all about!!

Still some more to share!

I think Christmas 2011 was one of the best of my life!   (or maybe it just seems that way because of the traumatic Christmas we had last year with mom's surgery and her being released from the hospital just a few days before Christmas.  Plus we were in the middle of remodeling and I didn't do any decorating last year.)   Anyway... this year was GREAT!   Christmas just isn't Christmas without family and grand kids around!   We were blessed to have both Mike and Angie and Brandon and Laura and their kids here for Christmas!   As is tradition... we always enjoy sharing our blessings at Christmas time by taking Christmas to a needy family.   Well... this year it turned into even more!   Because of the amazing response from Angie's ward, and   Laura and Brandon also came with many items to donate.... that combined with the things I had prepared turned into way more than enough for one family.   So, we decided to just drive out into a neighborhood and open up the van and start giving things away!   My little granddaughters, Olivia, Tessa, Hanna, Kate, Claire and Emily helped me make a lot of Christmas cookies and we took those with us to give away as well.  As always, it was so much fun!   Once we parked the cars and started giving things away people just came running out of their houses!   At first the grand kids were timid about giving away the cookies but they soon good into the spirit and cheerfully practiced their Spanish, saying  "Feliz Navidad" as they handed out the cookies!   We hope our grand kids learn that the true joy of Christmas is in sharing our blessings with others and bringing a smile to someone else's face!

A soccer ball is a real treasure here in Mexico!  I imagine there will be lots of
street games in this neighbor hood!  We passed out at least 10 soccer balls and some cleats!

Brandon and Mike came across this man who was taking a bed
 to a family member as a Christmas gift.  They helped him carry in down
 the street and to his family member's house!