Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Springbrook Talent Show!

What is more fun than watching your grandkids "perform?" 
While I was in Irvine for the chorus concert there just happened to
be a Talent Show at the grade school that Olivia and Tessa attend so that was fun for me!

Tessy was a "breath of fresh air" when she "wowed" us with
"Good Bye Old Paint!"   She played the bells and sang right on tune all at the same time!
And her costume was darling too!

After many piano solos, (lots of kids take piano lessons, don't they?)  Livy "kicked it in gear"
with a really cool dance done to the song "I've Gotta Feeling!"  
I think her favorite part of the dance was this "coffee grinder" move!

They both did a great job!  I was proud of their mom too, for encouraging them to participate and then making sure that they practiced and were well prepared !!!

You go girls!


  1. That's awesome! I hope they'll perform their talents for us down in Mexico!

  2. Those are my girls! I'm pretty proud of them! :)

  3. Amazing my all best wishes for them :)
