Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just a little piece of heaven!

Yes.... our daughter, Angie and her family have moved ONCE again!   So... this month,
Big Bear and I traveled to California to enjoy a little bit of heaven!  As if visiting our daughter and her precious family isn't enough..... their latest move has landed them in what I could catagorize as "as close to heaven on earth as you could get!"
They live in the cutest neighborhood!   We fell in love with their new house.... so cute, with it's picket fence and lush greenery!

Livy, Tessa and Clarita gave up their bedroom to Big Bear and Lita and slept on the floor in their parents bedroom!    Little Clarita was so thrilled to have us there!   She kept coloring pictures and cuting paper and taping her creations onto Big Bear and Lita's shirts!  (I wish I had taken a picture of us with all these little papers taped to the front of us!  It was so fun!)

We loved the bike rides around the neighborhood!   We did this several times while we were there!  It was one of my favorite things about the visit!   There are beautiful bike trails around a gorgeous lake!   While trying to convince us to move near them, Angie and Mike took us right past the "senior citizen center" that was along our route.   The seniors were out on the veranda doing their thi-chi exercises!  I have to say, that looked tempting to me!

Clarita LOVES feeding the ducks!   They are very eager to entertain you by flying up and snatching pieces of bread right out of the air when you throw them!   They also will follow you along begging for more bread!   At times they are a little too eager and almost take a piece of your finger
off with the bread!  

While Dublan was experiencing very cool weather, we went to the beach!   Teague LOVES the sand!  It was a challenge to keep him from eating it!   The beach is only about 15 minutes from Angie's house!

As a special treat, one afternoon we went to watch the BYU Young Ambassadors!
They did an excellent job and it was fun to see such wholesome entertainment!

Tessa especially loved the Young Ambassadors and wanted
her picture taken with one of the performers!

Darron and Shauny live about a mile away from Mike and Angie and we got to help them move into their new apartment.   They live on the 3rd floor so it was a lot of work carrying everything up the stairs!   Tessa worked harder than any of us!   She literally ran up and down all three levels carrying arm loads of stuff!  It made me tired just watching her!  ha ha!  
 On Sunday, Baby Jersey Marie was the star of the show on her blessing day!
This little beauty has already figured out the she does not like the camera!   As soon as she sees it in front of her face, she starts to fuss!  

After church, Shauny's parents had us all over to dinner!  Cindy really knows how to put on a delicous spread!   Lots of Wares family and friends were there to celebrate little Jersey!
Cindy made this beautiful cake to help celebrate the occasion! 
 Shauny's parents also live right near the beach and their family enjoys lots of surfing!   Darron is picking up this new sport since he married into the Wares family!

Can you believe those eyelashes???
Little Jersey and Baby Jazy were both blessed in this pretty white dress!

We look forward to many return trips to this beautiful area that is as close to heaven on earth as you can get!  It is so pretty here!  The weather is perfect.... everything is landscaped just beautifully and is a lush beautiful green!
 Can't wait to go back!