Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Camron and Hanna Catherine!

No reason for this post except that I LOVE this picture!


Cam played on the Marana Mets team this spring!
Lita got lucky and got to watch two of his games!!
He's a good player!  

I noticed that he pays attention to details, like when he was playing between 1st and 2nd, he covered 1st base when the 1st baseman had to leave to go after a ball!

Playing 1st base!

Batter up!

Cam did a great job as catcher too! Most of the kids that played catcher didn't even try to catch the ball... they had an adult behind them and just let the adult do it but Cam didn't need
an adult back-up!

Kayla and Big Bear "horsing around!"
Big Bear LOVES to TEASE!

 Yep!   Katie has a black eye!
No pictures of Hanna!  She was busy flirting with a cute little boy!
I think she had more fun at this game than all the rest of us!

Emily couldn't have cared less!  
 She would have preferred to be at home
sitting in the sink, playing with the toothpaste!!

Springbrook Talent Show!

What is more fun than watching your grandkids "perform?" 
While I was in Irvine for the chorus concert there just happened to
be a Talent Show at the grade school that Olivia and Tessa attend so that was fun for me!

Tessy was a "breath of fresh air" when she "wowed" us with
"Good Bye Old Paint!"   She played the bells and sang right on tune all at the same time!
And her costume was darling too!

After many piano solos, (lots of kids take piano lessons, don't they?)  Livy "kicked it in gear"
with a really cool dance done to the song "I've Gotta Feeling!"  
I think her favorite part of the dance was this "coffee grinder" move!

They both did a great job!  I was proud of their mom too, for encouraging them to participate and then making sure that they practiced and were well prepared !!!

You go girls!

He knows my needs!

Heavenly Father...  are you really there?
And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?

On June 5th, I had an appointment with President Jones so that he could release me from my
Family Search Mission.   After talking to me about my mission and telling me that I was released, he asked me, "So, what did you do this week?"  I thought this was a funny question and scrambled to think of something "significant" that I had done.   I commented to him that I had gone to Colonia Juarez to have my sister-in-law, Virginia, teach me how to Index.   When I said this, he got a funny grin on his face.  I told him that I thought I would try Indexing and see if I could make good use of my time that way.   Then President Jones proceeded to call me to be the "Stake Indexing Director."    Its interesting how inspiration works, sometimes, isn't it?  I was feeling an interest in and a desire to do this work even before I got called.
I had been pleading with Heavenly Father lately to help me to find something "meaningful" to do with my time.  I repeatedly told Him, "just tell me what to do and I'll do it!"  I just figured that He wasn't going to answer my prayer and I was just gonna have to figure it out on my own!  And then.... VOILA!
I am the Stake Indexing Director!  I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to learn more about Indexing and practicing too!  Because of my Family Search Mission experience I knew exactly where to find help with my new calling.  I called Salt Lake and they set up a one on one training session for me via phone and Internet!  It was so awesome!  I think this new calling is one that I  NEEDED
and one that I am really going to enjoy!

I am thankful to Heavenly Father for listening AND
answering my prayer!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Olivia participates in the Orange County Mormon Choral Organization

In April, I used my free Southwest Rapid Rewards ticket to fly to Irvine to see Olivia participate
in the Orange County Mormon Children's Chorus!
She had been practicing with the group once a week since January and the big day finally arrived.
Olivia wasn't too excited about the uniform she had to wear for the concert.   She really didn't like the white knee high socks and forbid me from having them show in her picture.  I was tickled that she let me braid her hair for the big event!

The concert was held in the Segerstrom Center for the Arts.... if was really impressive.
This is a picture of all the people who participated in the concert.

There she is... second row from the top.... far left.

Olivia participated in six numbers.   They did "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,"
"Beautiful Savior," "Jesus Is My Shepherd,"  "Popcorn Popping," ""Pie Jesu," and my favorite, "I Believe in Christ."   All the songs were completely memorized and accompanied by a full orchestra!
It was REALLY impressive!
After it was all over with, Olivia said, "That was fun!"   When I asked her if she would want to do it again, with a big grin on her face, she enthusiastically said, "Yes!"

It's such a blessing to be able to watch your grandchildren participate in their activities!  Its one of the things I really miss about not having any of my grandchildren live around me... or my not living by any of them!   I was so thrilled to be able to go see Olivia participate in this concert!  It was a first class production!!  Sure do love Olivia!