Saturday, December 4, 2010


Christmas is coming early this year to our house!   We have a remodeling project in full swing which will count as our CHRISTMAS!   Big Bear is very happy (as am I!) with what took place while we were in Arizona and Utah!   Wish I had taken "before" pictures but, I didn't so we'll just show you the progress so far!

The upper cabinets and wall have been removed from this area to open up the view into what will soon be the "family gathering room!"   The cabinets we took out are now installed above the sink in the laundry room!   When finished this backside of these cabinets will be a bar, complete with stools!

The computer desk is gone and a few walls.   This really opens up the living space.
and shows off a new entry way!

Looking back into the kitchen from the "bar" where the sweet little granchildren will get their meals served to them at Lita's house!

We now have a arch the goes down into the living room.

The new resurfacing of the fire place.   This was a surprise to me.  I had thought to put stone here but when I left I told the builder... "just do what you like!  I know I'll like it!"   And I do!   Amazingly this looks very similar to a fireplace at Ashley Furniture store that I really like and took a picture of!   Arturo must have ESP!
We plan to put the dinning room table in front of the fireplace when we are all finished!    So, you can see the progress and how much we still have to go!  I think I will be living with a "happy mess" all through the holidays!   This is a long anticipated face lift for our house!   Big Bear is thrilled and comments every time he walks in on how much he likes it!   He says "You may never get me stopped now!"
Don't I wish!!????


  1. Holy cow, that is one big project! Your house looks completely different already! I really like it, too. Can't wait to see the finished result!

  2. I LOVE IT MOM!!!! I may have to make a special trip down there this summer just to check it out ! ;) Keep posting updates! It's gonna look awesome!

  3. Wow! Amazing what knocking out a few walls will do. It looks so nice and open, like a completely different home. It's gonna look GREAT! Can't wait to see it! Ambiente this summer is gonna be killer! :)

  4. Wow! What an exciting project! What a great idea to de-compartmentalize your house!!!! It looks SO much bigger! I love it!!

  5. Glad I got to see it in person today. It's been fun checking it out along the way. Glad that Art was accomodating in helping granny see it today as well. She was talking about wanting to paint her bedroom yellow. I told her to let's get her "well" first!

  6. I was just there today and it is fantastic!!!
    I love it! Isn't Bishop Art the best!!!

  7. It is neat! Look forward to seeing it soon!

  8. Oh Aunt Cathy, it's fantastic! I heard you were remodeling and told my mom to tell you to PLEASE blog about it! So glad you did. This kind of thing is my hobby (remodeling, decorating, etc.) This has been your most interesting blog post yet. :-)
    Can't wait to see the finished project. How exciting! Congrats. Keep it goin'!

  9. you are invited to follow my blog

  10. Okay mOm! You haven't blogged for almost 2 months! Time for an update on the kitchen... or SOMETHING! haha
