Tuesday, September 13, 2011


One of the things we like to do when we get together for our "Ambiente" is share our blessings with those who have so little!   We think it is good for the kids to see how some people live and how little they have.... and yet they are happy!   This year we decided to share a swing set with the childen of some migrant workers who come up to northern Chihuahua to pick peaches and chile.

These kids spend their HOT day sitting around under the shade of this big cottonwood tree.  They don't go to school and they have almost nothing to do... no TV and just a few old toys.   It was Angie's idea that a swing set would provide them with hours of entertainment and fun!
While the men and most of the women go to work in the fields a couple of women stay behind each day to do the cooking,  and care for the children.    This sweet little baby was sleeping in this hard plastic crate.

This is the kitchen where they prepare the food for around 50 men and women who come in from the fields to eat at noon.

The rooms you see in the background are the bedrooms where they sleep.

This is the laundry area where the clothes are scrubbed and rinsed by hand.

Then they are hung on the fence to dry.  Yep!  A Solar Energy dryer!!

Using a "outhouse" is something that most of us have never experienced but this unsanitary, smelly bathroom is what these people use!  No scented sprays or even toilet paper here and for sure,
no flushing!

We came to do something to make their lives a little more enjoyable!
So we got to work....   after the holes had been dug, the kids helped fill them with rocks before the cement was poured.

Everyone was anxious to help!   The little Mexican kids in this picture must have wondered WHAT they were helping us with?  I'm sure the couldn't tell yet that it was a swing.   There were no swings in sight at this point!

It took lots of rocks to fill both holes.

Once the holes were filled then on to mixing the cement!

While the men were busy mixing and pouring the cement, the women and kids played with the kids.
Rylee and Kayla brought nail polish and polished the little girl's nails.

When they finished the gave the nail polish to the two women who seemed even more thrilled than the little girls to be able to paint the nails!

They were facinated with Ashley's little WHITE Jazy!   They all wanted to hold her and touch her!

Tessa gave this little girl one of her stuffed animals!
The little girl in the background is checking out her new baby doll.

Sayda wants to share a cookie with her new friend.

Every little girl LOVES a Barbie!  Imagine how thrilled this girl was to get such a gift!

Hayden is pitching the ball for this little boy to practice batting.

We took a soccer ball and played a little kick ball with them.

Aunt Laura had brought some old clothes to pass on.  
She and Alixe were matching them up by size with the kids.

We gave them some used baby equipment......

and before we knew it there were THREE babies relaxing in style!

The best part of all was seeing the smiles on their faces after the cement had
dried and they were able to play on the swings!

Because I have been given much, it is my PRIVILEDGE to give!
I am thankful to have been able to share this experience with my kids and grandkids.
Thanks to Tony & Chris, who donated their swing set when they bought a new one for their yard.
We were able to put it to good us and create an uplifting memory for our grandkids!


  1. Hi Cathy...that is so-o-o awesome...
    Dave & I are both so impressed with your kindness and pro-activity to help others...especially involving our children & grandchildren...
    Kudos to you all!
    ...love from Dave & Priscilla

  2. oops...I did mean 'your' children...I wish it was 'ours'... :)

  3. What a great activity! I ready about it on Ashley's blog...I am glad you posted about it here! I have been thinking about you the last couple of days...Hug!

  4. That gave me goose bumps reliving the experience. I KNOW it has left a huge impression on my girls. After our vacation, anytime anyone asked them "How was Mexico?" they'd go on for 10 minutes telling them ALL about the service project. A HUGE highlight for sure! Thanks for organizing and preparing for it Mom and Dad!
