Monday, April 12, 2010


Today marks one week since I started my training as a Family Search Support Missionary! My sister in law, Carol, warned me that it is HARD and she didn't exagerate! I feel like a kindergardener who has been thrust into a college course! My poor brain does not know how to respond! So much information is being given to me and I just can't remember it all! I have found that everyone in my class (there are 13 of us) is at least 15 years older than me and all have many, many years experience working in genealogy, PAFF, Extraction/Indexing and Family Search! Everyone in my group has served as a Ward Family History Consultant except me!
My experience is VERY limited ! We had online classes 4 nights last week with asignments to do every day! Lots of them! I am no longer bored!!! lol! On the contrary, I have felt overwhelmed all week long! In our very first class we were all told to download a talk from Elder Bednar and read it. Our teacher said that the spiritual thought each night was to be given from our thoughts and ideas about this article. The article is titled "That We May Always Have His Spirit To Be With Us." Sister Myers said that the prayer and spiritual thought asignments would be posted...... who knows where??? That is one bit of information I never figured out! Well, on Thursday night, about 6:40 I was doing some last minute things in order to be ready for the online class that started at 7:00 when into my mind popped the words... "YOU have the Spiritual Thought!" I ran to the computer to try to find where the asignments were listed but couldn't. I quickly grabbed my scriptures and pulled up a talk on my computer that I had given recently in Sacrament Mtg. about recognizing and receiving the promptings of the Holy Ghost. I read through a quote from my talk and found the scripture I was looking for just in time to log into the class just a couple of minutes before 7:00. After the opening prayer, onto the screen of my computer came the words... "Spiritual Thought by Sister Hatch!" I was not even surprised as the Holy Ghost had already told me and I was prepared! Our teacher has given our class of missionaries the name "Let the Holy Spirit Guide." What a tender mercy and special wittness I was given that evening that my Heavenly Father is aware of me, my needs and wants me to be successful as a missionary! I know that the "Holy Spirit will guide me" in my faithful efforts to do all that is required of me to prepare to serve as a missionary in Family Search Worldwide Support!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's cool Mom! It's so cool to see the Spirit working in your life as a "new missionary". Thanks for sharing the experience!
