Wednesday, June 29, 2011

He knows my needs!

Heavenly Father...  are you really there?
And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?

On June 5th, I had an appointment with President Jones so that he could release me from my
Family Search Mission.   After talking to me about my mission and telling me that I was released, he asked me, "So, what did you do this week?"  I thought this was a funny question and scrambled to think of something "significant" that I had done.   I commented to him that I had gone to Colonia Juarez to have my sister-in-law, Virginia, teach me how to Index.   When I said this, he got a funny grin on his face.  I told him that I thought I would try Indexing and see if I could make good use of my time that way.   Then President Jones proceeded to call me to be the "Stake Indexing Director."    Its interesting how inspiration works, sometimes, isn't it?  I was feeling an interest in and a desire to do this work even before I got called.
I had been pleading with Heavenly Father lately to help me to find something "meaningful" to do with my time.  I repeatedly told Him, "just tell me what to do and I'll do it!"  I just figured that He wasn't going to answer my prayer and I was just gonna have to figure it out on my own!  And then.... VOILA!
I am the Stake Indexing Director!  I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to learn more about Indexing and practicing too!  Because of my Family Search Mission experience I knew exactly where to find help with my new calling.  I called Salt Lake and they set up a one on one training session for me via phone and Internet!  It was so awesome!  I think this new calling is one that I  NEEDED
and one that I am really going to enjoy!

I am thankful to Heavenly Father for listening AND
answering my prayer!


  1. I love that story Cathy! The older I get the more I see the hand of the Lord in everything!!
    I wish I had been more observant when I was younger;)

  2. Wow! That is a cool little experience :) And how come I didn't know that you had been released from your Family Search Mission? Sounds like you got the perfect new calling for YOU!

  3. Very cool. I'm glad that you have something meaningful to do. Life is always better when we're anxiously engaged in a good cause. You'll be awesome at your new calling!
