Sunday, August 15, 2010


Yes... this is a portait Big Bear and Lita had painted of themselves!!!!   lol!
Actually, it's a Christmas gift from my mom and dad and I LOVE IT!  Big Bear collects bears and plans to leave each of his precious grandchildren a bear to remember him by!  Wherever we go, we are always on the look-out for a new bear to add to
Big Bear's collection! 

While passing through the El Paso Airport the other day, I could not resist this Patriotic Bear who sings "God Bless the USA!"
                    Ashley's little boys loved it and enjoyed singing with the Bear!
Tyson was brave enough to sing for a video clip!

This golfing bear, was purchased when Big Bear attended the
U.S. Open Golf Tournament at Pebble Beach!
 "The dream of a Life Time Bear!"
He's extra special because lots of fond memories came with him!

When you see a unique and special bear....  Think of BIG BEAR!


  1. I love the plus sign on the trunk of the tree.
    Cute, cute picture.

  2. cute...looks like you have a budding American Idol in the family!!
    ...I have a collection of bears but they are pretty junky compared to yours...come with us to the cabin sometime and you can stay in the 'bear room' :)...
    ...lo-o-ve the picture of Big Bear & Lita...
