Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Right Woman for the Job!!!

On Sunday, August 15th, 2010 my baby sister, Trisha, was sustained as the Relief Society President of the Colonia Juarez Ward!  I was not one bit surprised!  The Lord knows where to find a good woman when He needs one!   This woman is PERFECT Relief Society President material!   She can do it all...  cook, clean, raise a garden, freeze, bottle or dehydrate her produce, make hand pieced quilts, sew. lead the music in Primary, teach an excellent class, decorate her house beautifully, landscape the yard and mow the HUGE lawn, listen to your problems,  feed the hungry and visit the sick all at the same time and with a smile on her face, usually while cracking a joke!  This girl is darn near perfect and I KNOW she'll be an excellent Relief Society President!   When I grow up.... if that ever happens... 


  1. That picture is classic! Your faces haven't changed a bit...just the hair! :)

  2. Awww, too sweet! It is true tho, I'd have to agree to everything! I have so much to live up to! She's awsome! You're pretty neat yourself Aunt Cathy!

  3. Aunt Trisha is the LEY! She will do great! :)

  4. Love Love Love the photo of you two. I love both of you sisters! You are great women and yes...she will be great!

  5. Gee, where did that come from. With tears running down my face I say thank you for those kind words. I feel very humbled by this new calling but I do believe that "whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies". I always say that I might have been blessed with only one sister, but she is "the best of the best". Yes, the picture is fun too! Hate to admit it, but yes, we have "aged" since that picture was taken. Thanks again for a very nice, but underserved tribute. I might have to print it up to remind myself of what I am capable of when I'm having a bad day. Love ya Cathy.
