Thursday, September 16, 2010

Independence Day in Mexico

Mexican flag, Bandera de México

Today in Mexico we are commemorating 200 years of Independence from Spain and 100 years since the beginning of the revolution that began in 1910 and toppled the dictator, Porfirio Diaz!

Last night we were invited to Colonia Juarez for a watermellon bust and to watch their fireworks show! It was a great time! It was fun to get out of the house and visit with people I don't see that often! We sure appreciated their invitation!

I know that Mexico has had more than it's share of problems... with the drug wars, murders, violence, extorsions and kidnappings, but we have been very blessed during the past year.   Looking back a year ago we were living in constant fear... (at least I was!)   Bro. Meredith Romney had been kidnapped and returned, Bro. John Robinson had been assaulted and shot... and a few months later Bro. Marshall Turley would be kidnapped.  Two De la Cruz brothers where shot down and murdered as the sat in front of their house late at night.   Bro. Barrera was kidnapped at work and beat pretty badly before the ransom was paid and he was returned to his family, and many, many other people who I did not know personally were killed or kidnapped. The "Forces of Evil" could literally be felt in the area!  In an attempt to help the members of the church find peace and comfort in our lives our Area Presidency sent out a letter, asking us to do these 5 things:

  1. Attend the temple more often.   We all say that we want to live with our Heavenly Father in the Celestial Kingdom after we die.   If we don't do all that we can in this life to go to His house, how can we say, or even hope to live with Him in his house throughout eternity?
  2. Study the scriptures DAILY individualy and with your family until it becomes a habit.  We were also invited to read the entire Book of Mormon before General Conference in April.
  3. Pray every morning and every night... individually AND as a family.  Pray that your children will be protected from the evil that surrounds them and pray for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as you move through your life.
  4. Fast and Pray on the first Sunday of every month.  In your fast, pray for the leaders of the government that they will be guided to make the right decisons for the welfare of all of Mexico.  Pray for the members of the church that they will feel the desire to be obedient.
  5. Share the gospel with others!   The best way to combat evil is to share the gospel.
  As members of the church, I think we ALL tried really hard to do these five things!  After all... we were desperate and very humble!  A year later now... things really have calmed down in our lives.   Things have improved tremendously!  We are beginning to relax and feel safer again!   Along with that... at least for me, I have slacked off in doing some of these things.   As a couple, we don't study the scriptures as consistently as we used to.   My prayers don't feel as sincere as they did back then and I have missed a couple of months fasting!  Although I feel VERY grateful for the protection that has been over us...(I thank Heavenly Father daily!) I am slipping in my worthiness for His protection!  I hope that I am the ONLY one falling short!  I hope that we do not need more reminders of where our safety lies!   And so, this Independence Day, I am so thankful for the blessing of living in Mexico.  I LOVE the Mexican people!  I love the freedoms my children grew up with!  I love the life style we enjoy!  I love the financial security Frank has been able to provide living here.  I love that my parents and brothers and sister all live within walking distance!   I love the members of our Ward and Stake.  I love having a temple very close!  AND... I love this country inspite of it's hardships and trials and pray that I will once again dedicate myself to doing these 5 things with obsessive devotion!

¡¡¡Viva Mèxico!!!


  1. Sounds like your celebration was lots of fun! Isn't it just the nature of man, to slack off when we're experiencing smooth sailing? I think that's the life long strugle we all face. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It renewed my resolt to do better at all 5 of those things! Whether your faced with adversity or not, life is just better when we stick to "the sunday school answers". Why we can't seem to remember that is the big question.

  2. Thanks for a great reminder. I'm glad to think that you could "walk" to my house. Guess it could be done if we had to. Love ya......

  3. Great picture Cathy! Thanks for the reminder on those 5 inspired me to get them out again and make some new goals! it was a fun evening in Juarez!
