Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering 9-11

Don't know how kids raised in Mexico turned out to be such patriotic Americans but I am proud of them!
Preston hung his American Flag this morning in remembrance of 9-11!
The only flag I see in the neighborhood is hung by a boy raised in MEXICO!
It was 9 years ago today that I was laying on my couch watching the "Today Show" with Katie Couric when all of a sudden there was a news flash that a small airplane had accidentally crashed into one of the twin towers.  From there things escalated as we learned that this was no accident at all but an act of TERROR.  I remember watching live as the second airplane crashed into the other tower.  I frantically woke Frank up... called my family and told them to turn on the TV!   Frank and I sat watching in horror, minute by minute as the tragedy unfolded before us!  We literally sat in front of our TV for 11 hours straight that day!   The news coverage was horrifying!  The buildings falling to the ground, people running in terror!  The dust clouds billowing down the streets!  All of it is still vivid in my mind!
I remember the days that followed with the members of Congress, Pres Bush and Vice President Chaney standing on the steps of the Capital building singing "God Bless America!"  The Spirit of unity and love for this nation was so impressive!   The feelings and talk of returning to God that followed these awful days!  The memorial service for the people who died in this act of terror!   Although they were horrible times, they brought out the best in the American citizens!  I live in Mexico and love it here but I am also an American citizen.
I am saddened when I watch the news broadcasts today and see the great division that has come between the American people.  This is a great nation with blessings and opportunities offered to it's citizen like no other country in the world!  In the media, I seldom hear talk of what a wonderful nation the United States of America is!  It is sad that it takes a tragedy to bring these things to our remembrance.
I hope that the USA does not need another reminder of how blessed they are and what a privilege it is to be a citizen of the United States of America. 


We should all try daily to remember the many blessings that are ours because of this great nation and pray to our Heavenly Father to guide it's leaders and citizens in righteousness!


  1. So true. The US is a great nation. One thing I love about this country is that it truly is the land of opportunity. The pursuit of "The American Dream" is open to anyone willing to work hard for it. I know it has it's downfalls but in the end I think the good outweighs the bad and I'm glad to live in the good old USA!
